Starship Name Registry Status Appearance
Kyushu, U.S.S. NCC-65491 359 [TNG] "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II"
Renegade, U.S.S. NCC-63102   [TNG] "Conspiracy"
Rutledge, U.S.S. NCC-57295   [TNG] "The Wounded," [DS9] "Paradise"
Thomas Paine, U.S.S. NCC-65530   [TNG] "Conspiracy"
Starship Name Registry Status Appearance
Apache, U.S.S. NCC-61491   ST:ACTD: Apache
Cherokee, U.S.S. NCC-61333   ST:ACTD: Cherokee
Comanche, U.S.S. NCC-61701 R ST:ACTD: Comanche
Don Johnson, U.S.S. NCC-61701   ST:ACTD: Don Johnson
Huron, U.S.S. NCC-61245   ST:ACTD: Huron
New Orleans, U.S.S. NX-57012   ST:ACTD: ASDB New Orleans Technical Specs
Organia, U.S.S. NCC-57267   ST:ACTD: ASDB New Orleans Technical Specs
Salzburg, U.S.S. NCC-59170   ST:ACTD: ASDB New Orleans Technical Specs
(Early Prototype) NXP-1983NF   ST:ACTD: ASDB New Orleans Technical Specs

D - Destroyed/Decommissioned
359 - Destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359
DW - Destroyed during the Dominion War
R - Renamed
? - Uncertain

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